September 19, 2023 Board Meeting

Brittany Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc.
Board Meeting Minutes

Pursuant to Article VI, Section 1 of the Bylaws of the Brittany Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. a meeting of the Directors was duly called and held on September 19, 2023, at the Perry Family YMCA located at 1700 League City Pkwy, League City, TX 77573.


Representing the Members of the Brittany Lakes Homeowners Association were the following Board members:

  • Todd Edwards (President)
  • James Charo (Vice-President)
  • Mark Buehler (Secretary)

The following Board Members were absent with apologies:

  • Kimberly Widener (Treasurer)
  • Jeramy Roesler (Member at Large)

Representing Spectrum Association Management, LP was:

  • Hannah Maskevich (Community Manager CM


A quorum of Board Members was announced, and the general session meeting was called to order at 6:55 p.m. by CM Hannah.


CM Hannah presented the agenda for the meeting as below:

  • Call to Order
  • Agenda Review and Approval
  • Meeting Minute Approval – 08.24.2023
  • Ratification of Decisions
  • Financial Overview
  • Administrative Calendar Review
  • CM Site Inspection + Pending Projects Update
  • Committee Reports
    • Landscaping Committee
    • Social Events Committee
    • Architectural Control Committee
  • Transfer Pump Discussion
  • Mister Replacement
  • Tree Replacements
  • Kiddie Mulch Replacement
  • 2024 Budget
  • Access System Replacement
  • Playground Inspections
  • New Business
  • Open Homeowner Forum
  • Executive Session


The open meeting minutes from August 24, 2023 were reviewed and approved as presented.
Motion – Todd, second – Mark; all in favor 3-0


CM Hannah announced the decisions made by the Board outside of a meeting:

  • Seal and operator needed replaced in the drinking fountain between pool and tennis court. This was repaired in the amount of $525.00.
  • National Night Out preparations to include DJ, bounce house, and other entertainment scheduling and payments within pre-approved budget.


The Board was presented with the August 2023 Financials.

The Board of Directors discussed the Morgan Stanley account currently holding $249,541.44 and approved to sign Spectrum Association Management (c/o Amanda Salazar) as a signer in order to access funds.
Motion – Mark, second – Todd; all in favor 3-0


The Board of Directors reviewed the upcoming events throughout the community and maintenance items.


Landscaping Committee: No current updates were announced.

Social Events Committee: Director Buehler and Brenda Smith discussed the ongoing National Night Out discussions and plans for future events for the community. Brenda asked CM Hannah to reach out to One Stop Tents to secure the electric proofer and will supply CM Hannah with a list of supplies needed for the event for purchase.

Architectural Review Committee: Richard de Vries inquired about the current vacancy on the ARC and if the Board had decided on an appointment. The Board announced that this would be finalized in Executive Session.


  • CM Hannah introduced Mr. Dale Bowman to the meeting to discuss the transfer pump replacements proposals for the two stations located at Willow Pond and Lake 2. The Board requested to review the irrigation system information from Kiki Landscaping before an approval was made and tabled for final review and approval via email.
  • The Board of Directors reviewed three proposals from Texas Best Plumbing, Lonestar Recreation and AAA Plumbing and approved the replacement of the mister with the 10-head proposal from AAA Plumbers not to exceed $8,750.00 in the color Pyrite. The Board requested a better sample of the pyrite color to confirm the color and also would like to keep the old shower to scrap and return back to Association funds.
    Motion – Mark, second – Todd; all in favor 3-0
  • The Board of Directors reviewed three proposals from Kiki Landscaping, Earthcare Management and Yellowstone for the replacement of 56 trees throughout the community and approved the proposal from Kiki Landscaping not to exceed $45,100.00 for planting during the recommended time from Kiki.
    Motion – Mark, second – Todd; all in favor 3-0
  • The Board of Directors reviewed three proposals from McKenna Contracting, Kiki Landscaping and Horticare to excavate 6” of debris/dirt in the Rec Center playgrounds, then fill within 1” of the playground border in all playgrounds located at the Rec Center, Midway/Essex Park and Loon/Longspur Park. The Board approved the proposal from Horticare not to exceed $20,000.00.
    Motion – Mark, second – Todd; all in favor 3-0
  • The Board of Directors approved the proposed budget with a $30.00 increase in annual assessments at an amount of $630.00 per residential lot, and $805,140.00 in assessment revenue for 2024. The Board announced that the primary reason for the increase is due to the required additional funding of the Reserve funds (per the very recently completed Reserve Study) to maintain financial health to the Association.
    Motion – Todd, second – James; all in favor 3-0
  • The Board of Directors reviewed three proposals received from Cannon Security, DSC, Inc. and ICSH to replace the access system for the pool and tennis court and approved the proposal from Cannon Security not to exceed $6,800.00.
    Motion – Todd, second – James; all in favor 3-0
  • The Board of Directors was presented with the cost of $1,050.00 from Safety First to complete the annual playgrounds inspections and was approved as presented.
    Motion – Mark, second – Todd; all in favor 3-0


No further business was motioned for discussion.


Homeowner’s present were given the opportunity to present discussion items with the Board and the following were discussed:

  • Brenda Smith had a few extra comments regarding National Night Out that were discussed. She also mentioned a few lights that were on during the day at the Rec Center. CM Hannah to follow up.

With no further business to discuss in the open forum, the general membership was dismissed, and the Board entered executive session at 8:53 pm.


The Board reviewed items in executive session related to escalated collection, deed restriction matters and legal report.

The Executive meeting minutes from August 24, 2023 were reviewed and approved as presented.
Motion – Todd, second – James; all in favor 3-0

ARC Vacancy: The Board of Directors discussed an appointment to the Architectural Review Committee.

Aging Report: The Board of Directors reviewed the current Aging Report and did not send any accounts to the Association’s attorney.

Violation Report: The Board of Directors reviewed the current Violation Report and did not send any accounts to the Association’s attorney.

Legal Status Report: The Board of Directors discussed the recent Legal Status Report provided by Hoover Slovacek.


With no other business to discuss, the Board adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.


The next Board Meeting is scheduled for October 26, 2023 – Annual Meeting.

Minutes were approved on October 13, 2023 and attested to by:

  • Todd Edwards – Brittany Lakes Homeowners Association
  • Hannah Maskevich – Spectrum Association Management

BRT Board Mtg Minutes 09-19-2023