ARC Guidelines – Front Yard Accessories

Note: This is a draft transcription of the official ARC guidelines and may contain errors. 

Front yard accessories shall be permitted under the following conditions:


Accessories must be an integral part of the landscaping and blend in with the existing landscaping. This includes the lot in front of the fence line and any side yards on corner lots.


Yard accessories are not to exceed eighteen (18) inches in height. The exception is decorative landscape planters used for the display of living flowers or other approved landscape material. In any case, the accessories must be harmonious with the home landscape design.


Decorative accessories and landscape planters must be constructed of precast concrete, marble, painted cast aluminum terra cotta, treated wood, or other durable material. Plastic and fiberglass that is fashioned to resemble stone is acceptable. Plastic and fiberglass, and other materials, are not acceptable materials for landscape planters or decorative accessories. Birdbaths may not be used as planters.


All accessories shall be maintained in such a fashion as to not detract from the neighborhood. Landscape planters must be maintained with living landscape materials at all times.

Prohibited Accessories:

Chairs, swings, bird baths, or flamingos are not allowed in the sodded area of front yards. Benches that are integral to or harmonious with the landscape design will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Other items not meeting the established guidelines are not permitted within the visible front or side yards of residential lots. This does NOT apply to portable items (i.e., items that can be easily moved and stored (generally meaning movable by a single person of average strength).

Holiday Decorations:

Traditional holiday decoration lights may be generally displayed for one (1) month prior to and two (2) weeks after any commonly recognized holiday for which such lights are traditionally displayed (i.e., Easter, Halloween, US Thanksgiving, Hanukah, and Christmas).