July 30, 2009 CAMSTAT meeting with LCPD

CAMSTAT Meeting with LCPD
July 30, 2009

About 15 homeowners submitted completed survey forms prior to the meeting and about 18 homeowners actually attended the meeting.

The police officers explained that the program relies on homeowner participation by allowing the neighborhood to set the top priorities. The police department will then formulate plans to address the top three priorities. Each priority/plan/goal must be: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.

The priorities established for the LCPD to develop response plans to address are:

1) Traffic violations (speeding and running stop signs) on Landing Blvd.

2) Traffic violations (speeding and running stop signs) on Brittany Lakes Blvd. (it is believed that addressing these issues on these two arterial streets will address the same issue on Brittany Colony).

3) Vandalism/criminal mischief (graffiti) in the common areas.

The officers also discussed Burglary (homes and vehicles) as a priority, but said the top preventative is educating the public on measures they can take to prevent this crime. To that end they will work with the Brittany Lakes HOA Communications Committee to provide helpful hints and tips.

Ofc. Owens, our assigned beat officer, has 6 – 8 weeks to develop their response programs and bring them forward to the monthly HOA Board meeting.

It was agreed that Ofc. Cox would report progress through the monthly HOA meeting as well as providing safety tips to the Communications Committee for their newsletter.

Expect the next report at the September HOA Board meeting.

[NOTE: This information will be updated as I verify with LCPD]