October 2, 2008 Board Meeting


OCTOBER 2, 2008

A meeting of the Board of Directors of Brittany Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. (“Association”) was held on Thursday, October 2, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. at the Magnolia Creek Clubhouse located at 4751 League City Parkway, League City, Texas 77573.

Linda Lorch, Michelle Nickel, John Vance and Eli Mark were present as the Board of Directors, which constituted a quorum of Board Members. Todd Edwards was not present. Also in attendance was Janet Sakach, CMCA, PCAM representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (“PCMI”).

A quorum of Board of Directors was present and the meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm. by President, Linda Lorch, who officiated at the meeting.

First, the Board reviewed the minutes from the August 21, 2008 Board meeting. After some revisions, a motion was made, seconded and carried. The motion was:

RESOLVED: to approve the minutes from the Board meeting held on August 21, 2008.

Afterwards, the financial statement from the end of August 2008 was reviewed.

Next, the Board discussed the estimate from Jones & Carter to analyze the community’s needs to pump requirements to make recommendations to fill the community’s requirements to pump water from the large lake into the irrigation system throughout most of the community. Upon a motion that was made, seconded and carried. The motion was:

RESOLVED: to approve to spend $4,500 for Jones & Carter to evaluate the needs of the community and advise the Board on the best remedy to fit its needs to pump water from the lake into its irrigation system.

Then, the Board discussed the desire to authorize the President of the Association to approve for ongoing expenses related to the community. Upon a motion that was made, seconded and carried. The motion was:

RESOLVED: to approve the President of the Association to approve continuing expenses up to $2,000, which would not include any new work.
It was also further:

RESOLVED: to authorize the Treasurer to make this decision should the President not be available.

Next, the Board considered several bids to add fall seasonal color to monument sign beds to fill in areas where perennial plants have been installed. Upon a motion that was made, seconded and carried. The motion was:

RESOLVED: to approve the expense of $1,600 to add flowering plants in monument sign plant beds to be completed by Earthcare Management.

Then, the Board reviewed the estimate to make irrigation repairs. Upon a motion that was made, seconded and carried. The motion was:

RESOLVED: to approve the estimate totaling $249.86 from Earthcare Management to repair the irrigation system.

At 7:57 pm., the Board adjourned the regular session of the Board meeting and the Board went into Executive Session.

At 8:15 pm., the Board came out of Executive Session and continued on the regular session of the Board meeting.

Then, the Board discussed the 2009 budget, here to attached as Exhibit “A”. Upon a motion that was made, seconded and carried it was:

RESOLVED: to approve the budget for 2009 and the maintenance fee rate for 2008 at $475.00 for resident rate and $237.50 for builder rate.

After a brief discussion and upon a motion that was made, seconded and carried. The motion was:

RESOLVED: to approve for $60,000 to be transferred to the Reserve Account for 2008 and this money is to be placed at a different bank from other funds held.

With no further business to discuss, the Board meeting was officially adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
